Samstag, 31. Dezember 2016

Goodbye 2016. Welcome 2017 !

Scrumbling and shaking 2016 is passing and we going to welcome the new unborn 2017. 

The last 12 Months where the most intensive year for me, probably since ever. So many things has happen around me and to me in 2016. It was a year of changes, change me in so many ways. Under dramatic circumstances i had changed my lifestyle, my work and lots of little things which just few of you have noticed. Over all if i look back, i'am truly happy for what it was leading to and could create my best out of that.

In 2016 i met very true friends in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Those people helped me really a lot on my way to get out of my bad health and mental situation. Many thanks to my friends, because of you i found a way out of pain, depressions, anger and frustration. Brought me back to a creative and worthy life. As many of you know i still have a way to go with one more surgery (hopefully the last one) and of course i will still keep on the track, use my creativity, my camera to express and cure myself.

Our future starts tomorrow with just a new number "2017" but i"am excited for lots of new projects, exhibitions, shootings, travellings and of course hang out with my best friends in asia as well as in switzerland.


Foto: Marcel Sauder Photography

New APP "Respect"

To put away the mobile phone and to give attention to the person with whom you are currently talking.

There is an app for this, it calls "RESPECT"

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2016

Time is vanishing all things

The time let vanish the things which once we loved so much.
No cravings no aversions, just equanimity, equanimity and misery will avoid you.

Foto: Marcel Sauder Photography

Montag, 5. Dezember 2016

Warum werden Menschen Gebohren. Warum sterben sie? - 人為何生? 為何死?

Warum werden Menschen gebohren? Warum sterben sie? 

Musst Du wirklich gehen? Musst du uns verlassen? Und wenn du gegangen bist?

Du musst fortgehen zu einem Ort so fern. Es bleibt Dir keine andere Wahl, aber wenn die Erinnerung einmal ausbleibt, kehrst Du zurück. Dann kehrst Du bestimmt zurück.

Wenn Du zurückkehrst, werden wir nicht mehr da sein.
Wozu kommst Du zurück, wozu nur?
Du bist gebohren und Du bist gestorben, warum machen wir das?

人,為何生? 為何死?
來去為何? 出世了,過世了,為何走了這一世!?

Warum werden Menschen gebohren? Warum sterben sie?
Foto: Marcel Sauder