Samstag, 12. November 2016

Photographic Realism

What is generally understood by ‘photographic realism’ is only the transcendent form of this realism, its philosophical form and its innumerable avatars. This is why it is preferable to speak of transcendent or philosophical interpretations, including in this idealist interpretations, technologist interpretations, etc. alongside ‘realist’ interpretations.

To the latter belong interpretations in terms of: (1) Representation, documentation, enhancement of vision, etc.; (2). Icon, emanation, manifestation of the object; (3) Expression; (4) Technological processes of image-reproduction; (5) Pictorial and manual manipulation, editing, artificial imagery; (6) Analogon, simulacrum, etc. Realisms more or less supported or moderated, nuanced, differenced –but realisms in the first instance and founded on the philosophical –not at all scientific –presupposition that the transcendence of the World is co-constitutive for thought and for knowledge.


Foto: Marcel Sauder

Dienstag, 1. November 2016

Creating memorable moments in Life!

As a news and spotnews photojournalist which ran from one incident to the other, i got a lot of things to see that can not forgotten anymore.

After thousands of pictures which documented the darker side of the human beeing, i start to ask myself lot of questions. What was my motivation to all this? Was it the spirit of adventure? The Philantropy? The search for truth and justice? The desire to be withness of history? To see what humans can do to each other?

My capability to laught about little things has became very restricted.

Our everydays life is full with fraud, regardless, bad intentions and  egoistic behaviour. Not much to laught or even smile?

It turns out to try  creating memorable moments in my life is a very challenging attempt to get back my capability to laught about simple but funny things.

Creating memorable moments in your life and keep on smiling!

Tokyo Sugarcookie 2016 - Foto: Marcel Sauder